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Diabetic Eye Screening Services provided by

The Central Mersey diabetic eye screening programme is an innovative and diverse service that is truly tailored to its population.

The importance of diabetic eye screening

If you are living with diabetes it is vital that you get an annual check for diabetic retinopathy. This condition can lead to sight loss if not detected early and treated and, as a diabetic patient over 12, you are entitled to a routine screening appointment.

Programme Manager : Kimberly Gallienne
Email: k.gallienne@nhs.net

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Your Appointment

Your Appointment

When attending your appointment please bring the following with you:

  • Please bring your current distance glasses – these are the pair you wear to watch TV or drive.
  • Details of diabetes treatment – diet control, tablets, insulin.
  • Details of any other eye conditions and any treatment you’ve had/are having at hospital.
  • Sunglasses can help reduce glare and may make exiting the appointment more comfortable.

You are permitted to bring someone with you to your appointment but space at some of our venues is limited, so please keep chaperones to a minimum. 

We would ask you to allow at least an hour for the appointment.

Venues and transport to your appointment

Venues and transport to your appointment


Since the COVID-19 outbreak, due to the increased risk of infection to people with diabetes and staff, we are unable to return to many of the local GP surgeries we used before the pandemic. This means you may not get offered an appointment at your usual venue. Please accept our apologies for the inconvenience and be assured that the new venue will be the closest we can offer, and will have more choice of appointment dates and times and be near to bus routes from many localities.

Transport to your appointment

We recommend you do not drive to your eye screening appointment as your pupils will be dilated to enable us to take photographs of the back of the eye, and this causes blurred vision for up to 6 hours afterwards. If you cannot use public transport and have no friends or family available to bring you, you may be able to arrange for volunteer transport.

Unfortunately NEC Care cannot book transport for any people who require transport. If you require help to get to an appointment, please let the administration team know so an appropriate appointment can be made for you. You will need to book transport either through your GP, local community transport service or directly with hospital transport.

Follow the links below to see what’s available in your locality.

Northwest Ambulance Transport (NWAS) Numbers

Patients can contact the following number to see if they are eligible to book ambulance  transport to appointments:

  • Merseyside/Widnes/Runcorn : 0800 032 3240 (Northwest Regional Ambulance Service)
  • Warrington/Cheshire: 0345 425 0050 – option 1 (Northwest Regional Ambulance Service)

Please note, only patients who have a medical need for transport and meet the eligibility criteria will be able to access the service

If the patient is not eligible for ambulance transport services they can try:

  • St Helens Community Transport:  01744 22221
  • Warrington Community Transport: 01925 419977
  • Dial a ride Warrington: 01925 419988

Please note that the listed organisations are independent transport providers and not associated with NWAS. They may charge for transport.

The Dilation Eye Drops

The Dilation Eye Drops

We will test your eyes using Minims Tropicamide 1.0% eye drops. In some situations some services may also use Phenylephrine 2.5% OR Cyclopentalate 1%.  Leaflets about the drops are available at all screening appointments. It’s extremely rare, but you may experience a reaction to these drops. If you – or the person you’re caring for – have any of the following symptoms, contact your local A&E department.

  • severe eye pain
  • nausea and vomiting
  • severe headache
  • blurred vision and seeing halos around lights
  • profuse eye watering.

The eye drops we’ve used last for six hours. If your vision has not returned to normal after 6 hours you should seek medical assistance. 

Do not drive or operate heavy machinery during this time as the drops used at the screening appointments are designed to widen your pupils (dilation). Dilation can temporarily affect your vision, and you may not be able to read to the required legal distance. Driving under the influence of the drops may also invalidate your insurance whilst the drug is in your system. Please try to avoid driving following your screening appointment. 

The drops may cause a small stinging sensation in your eyes. This will last for a few seconds only. It is similar to getting some soap in your eye.

>We would always recommend dilation as the drops allow the screeners to take clear images of your retina, ensuring sight threatening changes are not missed. If you have concerns about the dilation drops, please discuss this with the screener at your appointment. You may be required to have another appointment.



If you have diabetes and become pregnant, you will need special care as there are risks to both mother and baby associated with the condition.

You’ll be offered additional tests for diabetic retinopathy at or soon after your first antenatal clinic visit, and also after 28 weeks of pregnancy as pregnancy can speed up progression of diabetic retinopathy

If the early stages of retinopathy are found at the first screening, you will also be offered another test between 16 and 20 weeks of pregnancy.

If serious retinopathy is found at any screening, you will be referred to an eye specialist. Some women who do not have diabetes can develop hyperglycaemia (high blood sugar) during pregnancy. This is known as gestational diabetes.
Pregnant women who develop gestational diabetes are not offered screening for diabetic retinopathy.

There is no evidence to suggest dilation drops are harmful to you or your baby, so we will still offer dilation drops. You may, however, wish to opt out of the use of dilation drops during pregnancy. This can be discussed with the screener at your appointment.

If you are pregnant, and we have not invited you for screening, please contact us as soon as possible to make an appointment.

For more information about diabetes and pregnancy please visit NHS Choices.



Living with a physical disability?

Do you have everything you need to come to an eye screening appointment with us?  All our screening venues are accessible for people using wheelchairs, and many have the hearing loop system, where you see this logo.

Our friendly staff will do what they can to help you on arrival or call 01274 396 900 in advance for specific help.

Living with a learning disability?

Do you or someone you support have learning disabilities that make attending appointments difficult?  Would you like help to make coming to eye screening easier?

Please get in touch so that we can work with you on your needs – we can provide familiarisation sessions or other aids to make eye screening as safe and easy as possible.

Tel: 0151 495 5100 to discuss.


Retinal screening is an important part of diabetes care. Diabetes can affect the small blood vessels at the back of your eye, the retina. The effects of diabetic retinopathy can lead to damage to your eyesight if left untreated.  Regular eye screening will check your retina for any signs of diabetic retinopathy and help manage any follow requirements that may be needed. It is important to keep your eye screening appointments when invited. 

At your eye screening appointment, one of our highly trained retinal screeners will take photographs of the back of your eyes and check for any signs of diabetic retinopathy.

When you arrive at your screening appointment, please make yourself known to the screener or follow instructions at the location to find the screening room. 

The screener will call you into the screening room when ready for your appointment, introduce themselves and check consent for the screening process. 

The screener will then ask some questions regarding any relevant medical history that will help understand individual needs for ongoing care. 

You will be asked to undertake a quick visual check by reading letters off a chart. 

At this point of the appointment, the screener will place some drops into your eyes. This will dilate your pupils to allow for the photographs to be taken. 

Once you are comfortable, the screener will ask you to take a seat outside for around 20 minutes while the drops take effect. 

The screener will invite you back into the room, after the 20 minutes and will ask you to sit in front of the retinal camera. 

A minimum of 2 photographs of each eye will be taken by the screener. The photographs do not hurt; however there will be a bright flash from the camera. 

When all the images have been captured that are required, the screener will explain what will happen next and when to expect your results. 

In some cases, you may be asked to attend more frequently. Some examples are below for why we are reinviting you for screening. 

  • If the images captured at your appointment are not clear, another appointment will be made for you to reattempt photography. This can happen if the dilation drops did not work well enough or drops have not been used at the appointment. Please attend the new appointment.  
  • Some eye conditions, such as cataracts, may prevent photographs from being captured. You will be invited for a Slit Lamp appointment. A different piece of equipment will be used to examine the back of your eye which may be able to see your retina. 
  • We may want to monitor your retina on a more frequent basis. If this is the case we will invite you to a Digital Surveillance clinic. The process may be very similar to your normal appointment checks, but we may take more photographs more regularly. We may invite you to one of these clinics if there is diabetic retinopathy that we want to monitor for progression but does not require hospital treatment.
  • If you are pregnant we will invite you more frequently throughout your pregnancy to monitor your retina. See the further details about screening during pregnancy. 

Standard intervals between screening are yearly. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, some appointments may be delayed. Please see our questions specifically regarding the COVID-19 pandemic and how we are managing your appointments. 

Many high street opticians are able to take images of your eye for a charge, but may not be part of the National Screening Service. Therefore your test will not be recognised as part of the screening service. High street opticians will check your vision, so it is important to keep both your opticians and your retinal screening appointments. 

The effects of diabetes on the small blood vessels around your body can take time to appear. 

Changes to your diet and lifestyle may have reduced your HbA1c to a “Diabetes Resolved” level, which is fantastic, but to ensure your eyesight is protected we will continue to offer you screening.

We would always encourage you to take up invitations for your retinal screening when you are invited, but we understand that sometimes now might not be the best time to attend and there may be a more convenient time for you. Changes to your appointment can be made by contacting our central administration team.

Postponing your appointment

If right now isn’t a convenient time to attend, and you need to reschedule for a few months time, the admin team may offer to postpone your appointment. This will temporarily change the period that you will be invited for screening. Once the period has ended another appointment will be sent to you. 

Opting Out

Every person with diabetes has the right to decide to attend screening. You may wish to opt out of screening. If this is the case the administration team will discuss the options with you and send you a form to complete. It is important that the form is returned and signed. If a form is not returned invitations will continue. In line with National Guidelines you have the right to opt out of screening for 1,2 or 3 years. As this is a serious decision and could affect your vision, please discuss any options with your GP before opting out of screening. 

If you have chosen to postpone or opt out of screening for any length of time the administration team can invite you sooner. Please let us know if you would like to be invited.

Sometimes the ability to complete the screening appointment can be affected by other medical conditions that our service users may have. This may require a Medical Exclusion to be completed. 

In all instances, screening will be offered until further details are understood. We will contact and consult with the GP or medical professional to seek a signed form.  

In most circumstances, we encourage attendance to attempt screening. There are a few things that need to be considered for a successful screening.

  • Is the person able to give verbal consent/understand the procedure?
  • If a person needs assistance to understand or consent we would ask someone to accompany them to an appointment. 
  • Is the person able to sit up and support themselves at our equipment?
  • Retinal cameras require someone to be able to place their chin onto rest and sit forward for a few moments. If someone is bed bound or unable to sit forward, screening is unlikely to be successful. In these situations we would require a medical exclusion.
  • Someone has a terminal condition.
  • We would seek a medical exclusion and suspend invitations. 

If you are a carer with lasting power of attorney for medical reasons and want to make changes for someone’s screening invitations, we will ask for a copy of this certification

Attending screening in another programme can be arranged. It may be more suitable for you to attend in another programme than the one registered for your primary care. In these situations we will require notification for yourself and consent to inform the new screening service and your registered GP. 

Once consent has been received by the new programme and GP you will be invited by the new programme. 

We will request annual updates from the screening service to ensure continuity of care.

Results from screening can be confusing, but they don’t have to be. You will be sent results from screening typically within a few weeks of attending. 

Retinopathy has classified stages of results that help explain what has been seen in your images: Results are given an “R” grade and an “M” grade. Below are the possible outcomes from your screening appointment and an explanation of what they mean.

No Retinopathy

There has been no signs of diabetic retinopathy in either eye at this screening. You will be invited for another screening when you are next due. No action needed.

Background Retinopathy

Some small changes to the small blood vessels (capillaries) have been seen in your eyes. This can be one single area of change to several areas. These changes will not affect your vision. Progression may be very minor and slow and annual screening monitoring will check for any changes.

Pre-Proliferative Retinopathy

The level of diabetic retinopathy detected needs to be monitored more frequently. You may be referred to a hospital eye service or monitored in one of our Digital Surveillance clinics. 

Depending on the severity of changes monitoring may be enough at this stage. You may be offered treatment at the hospital. You should also make an appointment with your GP and or diabetic specialist to review your care to attempt to slow down further progression. 

The important thing to remember is to keep all appointments for your eyes and your diabetes care. 

Proliferative Retinopathy

Changes in your eye need to be reviewed at a hospital eye service. We will make this referral for you. You may require treatment to stop the progression of retinopathy and prevent damage or further damage to your vision. It is very important that you attend the appointment with the hospital. You should be sent an appointment from the hospital within 6 weeks of attending screening. If you have not heard anything from your local hospital after 6 weeks, please contact us, and we will chase the referral for you. 


Colour and detail vision happens in an area of the retina called the macula. As the vision in this area is very sensitive, a separate grade is given for this area. This is known as Maculopathy. Maculopathy is either positive or negative. If you have no retinopathy, you also have no Maculopathy. You cannot have a positive Maculopathy result without one of the above positive retinopathy grades, i.e. Background Retinopathy or above.

You may be monitored more regularly in our Digital Surveillance clinics or referred to hospital. It is important to keep your appointments to monitor the presence of maculopathy as this can quickly affect your eyesight if severe and left untreated. 

Read more about Diabetic Retinopathy the stages of progression and treatment of the condition here https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/diabetic-retinopathy/

Extended Reading: Glossary – Grading Results

Many eye conditions will be reviewed similarly. Unless the eye screening service is specifically informed by the eye hospital that your Diabetic Retinopathy is being managed by them, you will be invited for community screening. 

Reviews for conditions such as Glaucoma, Macula Degeneration and Cataracts may require an Ophthalmologist to review your retina, but  they may not record the presence of Diabetic Retinopathy, so it is important you attend both your screening and your hospital appointments. 

The screening programme is in continual communication with hospital eye services to ensure the correct care is given.

If you believe you are under the hospital and that diabetic retinopathy is being managed, please contact us.

Receiving a positive result can be alarming, but in the majority of cases the important detail is making sure any follow-up appointments are kept. Diabetic Retinopathy is treatable and sight loss is preventable if detected early and treated. 

If you have been referred to a hospital, it is important that the appointment is attended and treatment received if required. 

If your results state that another appointment will be offered for monitoring, we will offer you another appointment, and it is important that efforts are made to keep the appointments, so progression can be checked. 

If you are concerned about your results please do not hesitate to contact us, so we can arrange someone to discuss the results with you. 

If you have received a letter from us stating that another appointment is needed as the images captured at your appointment were not clear there are a couple for reasons for this:

  • Another eye condition, such as cataracts, has prevented us from seeing your retina
  • Dilation wasn’t adequate for the grading to see all parts of your retina
  • A technical issue has occurred and another test is required. 

In all circumstances we will let you know if another appointment is needed. Please attend this next appointment. 

How do I contact the eye screening programme to make an appointment?

We can be contacted in a number of ways. Please see our Contact Us page for details of how to get in touch with us. 

If I can’t get through on the phone line, is there another way I can make/change my appointment?

Our phone lines can get very busy throughout the day, so this may not be the most instant way to contact us to book or change an appointment. 

Booking or changing an appointment can be made over the phone, online or by emailing us. To find out how to contact us, please see the Contact Us page.

No waiting around, no complaints at all. Other organisations could note of your programmes

Every aspect of the screening was very good

Very efficient and courteous telephone booking service

Excellent Booking Service

How can we help you?

Please give us your details below and we’ll respond as soon as possible.

    Central Mersey Screening Office

    The Outset
    Office 3, First floor
    Sankey Street
    WA1 1NN

    Central Mersey Appointments and Bookings Office

    NEC Care
    1 Kings Court Business Park
    Charles Hastings Way, Worcester
    WR5 1JR

    About Our Clinic - The Outset (Warrington)


    The Outset is located at the town centre of Warrington, opposite to the landmark “Golden Gate”.

    1/F, The Outset, Sankey Street, Warrington, WA1 1NN

    1. Small bay over Sankey Street (1 hour free)
    2. Street parking at Dixon Street (2 hours free)
    3. Left of the building (£2 for 1 hour)
    4. Town Hall carpark £2 for 2 hours
    5. Golden Square Shopping Centre (£1.5 for 2 hours)

    Bus Stop – Town Hall (Stop AD)
    Routes, 7, 8A, 9A, 9B, 13, 14,15, 16, 16A, 17, 17A, 18, 32, 96, X5, 110, C47, CAT5, CAT6, CAT7, CAT8, CAT9

    Accessibility: Flat Entrance, Lift to 1/F, Disabled Toilet

    ***Due to the limited size of the lift, please note that patients with wheelchairs in large size or electric wheelchairs may not be able to use the lift. The lift door opening size is 30 inches with 1/2 inch either side for wheels (so 31 inches in total) and the maximum weight is 630 kg (approx. 8 persons).  Those affected patients can choose Birchwood Medical Centre for appointments.***

    About Our Clinic - The Millennium Centre (St Helens)


    The Millennium Centre is located at the town centre of St Helens, close to the St Helens Bus Station and St Helens Central Train Station.

    1/F, The Millennium Centre, Corporation St, St Helens, Saint Helens WA10 1HJ

    1. Millennium Centre Car Park (£1.5 for 2 hours)
    2. St. Helens Central Station Car Park (Rail users – free; Non Rail users – £6 a day)

    Bus Stop – St Helens Bus Station
    10, 10A, 17, 20, 29. 31, 33, 34, 34A, 35A, 37, 38, 38A, 89, 137, 141, 152, 153, 156, 289, 297, 320, 329, 352, 712

    Accessibility: Flat Entrance, Lift to 1/F, Disabled Toilet

    About Our Clinic - Birchwood Medical Centre (Warrington)


    The Birchwood Medical Centre is located near the Birchwood Shopping Centre, close to the Birchwood Train Station as well.

    15 Benson Road, Birchwood, Warrington, Cheshire, WA3 7PJ

    Birchwood Shopping Centre Car Park 2 (Free for 3 hours)

    Bus Stops:
    1. Library Bus Stop (Brock Road) – 17, 25, 28, 28E (2-min walk to clinic)
    2. Benson Road Bus Stop – 17, 28, 28E (3-min walk to clinic)

    Accessibility: Flat Entrance, Ground Floor, Disabled Toilets

    About Our Clinic - St Chads Health Centre (Kirkby)


    The St Chads Health Centre is located near the Kirkby Town Centre.

    1/F, St Chad’s Clinic, St Chad’s Drive, Kirkby, L32 8RE

    Kirkby Town Centre Car Park (Free for 3 hours)

    Bus Stops:
    1. Kirkby Bus Station
    Stand 1: 133, 217, 289, 297, 722, 725, 732, 739
    Stand 2: 3, 3A, 21, 217, 217A, 289, 319
    Stand 3: 14, 14A, 14C, 17A, 19, 97, 97A, 133, 297
    Stand 4: 14, 14A, 20
    Stand 5: 17A, 20, 21, 97, 97A, 720
    (6-min walk to clinic)

    2. St Chads Drive Bus Stop
    Bus routes: 19, 20, 217
    (3-min walk to clinic)

    Accessibility: Flat Entrance, Lifts to 1/F, Disabled Toilets

    About Our Clinic - St Pauls Health Centre (Runcorn)


    The St Pauls Health Centre is opposite to the Runcorn High Street Bus Station.

    St Paul’s Health Centre, High St, Runcorn WA7 1AB

    Halton Borough Council Car Park (Free for 12 hours)

    Bus Stops:
    Runcorn High Street Bus Station
    Bus routes
    20, 43, 51, 62, 62A
    (2-min walk to clinic)

    Train Station:
    Runcorn Station
    (9-min walk to clinic)

    Accessibility: Automatic Doors, Ramped Entrance, Disabled Toilets

    About Our Clinic - Millbrow Clinic (Widnes)


    Millbrow Clinic is serving residents in Widnes.

    Millbrow Clinic, Widnes, WA8 6RT

    Right of the building (Free)

    Bus Stops:
    Peelhouse Lane
    Bus routes
    17, 61
    (7-min walk to clinic)

    Page Lane
    Bus routes
    (5-min walk to clinic)

    Train Station:
    Widnes Station
    (20-min walk to clinic)

    Accessibility: Manual Doors, Ramped Entrance, Disabled Toilets

    Have you attended your Diabetic Eye Screening appointment?
    The NHS provides FREE eye screening for people with diabetes aged over 12 years old.
    For appointment: 0151 495 5100

    About Our Clinic - Whiston Health Centre (Prescot)

    The Whiston Health Centre is on the Old Colliery Road and near bus stops at Cross Lane.

    Whiston Health Centre, 10 Old Colliery Rd, Whiston, Prescot L35 3SX

    Near the Building

    Bus Stops:
    Cross Lane
    Bus routes
    8, 61, 99, 297
    (2-min walk to clinic)

    Accessibility: Flat Entrance, Lift, Disabled Toilets

    Have you attended your Diabetic Eye Screening appointment?
    The NHS provides FREE eye screening for people with diabetes aged over 12 years old.
    For appointment: 0151 495 5100

    About Our Clinic - Newton (Newton-Le-Willows)

    The Newton Community Centre is on the Park Road South, which is easily acessible by bus.

    Park Road South, Newton-le-Willows, Merseyside, WA12 8EX

    1. Behind the building (Free)

    Bus Stop – Park Road South Bus Station

    Accessibility: Ramps for Wheelchairs, Disabled Toilet, Ground Floor

    Have you attended your Diabetic Eye Screening appointment?
    The NHS provides FREE eye screening for people with diabetes aged over 12 years old.
    For appointment: 0151 495 5100

    About Our Clinic - Rainford Health Centre


    The Rainford Health Centre is situated on Higher Lane, the main road in Rainford area.

    Rainford Health Centre, Higher Lane, Rainford WA11 8AZ

    Behind the building (free)

    Bus Stops:
    Higher Lane Rainford Health Centre Bus Stop – 152, 781, 782, 783, 784 (2-min walk to clinic)

    Accessibility: Flat Entrance, Ground Floor, Disabled Toilet, Ramp from Car Park to Entrance

    Have you attended your Diabetic Eye Screening appointment?
    The NHS provides FREE eye screening for people with diabetes aged over 12 years old.
    For appointment: 0151 495 5100

    About Our Clinic - Prescot Primary Care Resource Centre (Prescot)

    About Our Clinic – Prescot Primary Care Resource Centre (Prescot)

    Prescot Primary Care Resource Centre is opposite to the Tesco Extra (Steley Way) and near bus stops on Swell Street.

    Swell Street, Prescot, Merseyside, L34 1ND

    Near the Building (free parking)
    Cables Retail Park (free parking)

    Bus Stops:
    Swell Street Yates Court

    Bus routes:
    61, 89, 99, 239,248, 289, 297, C50
    (1-min walk to clinic)

    Prescot Station (9-min walk to clinic)

    Ramp Access, Lift, Disabled Toilets

    Have you attended your Diabetic Eye Screening appointment?
    The NHS provides FREE eye screening for people with diabetes aged over 12 years old.
    For appointment: 0151 495 5100

    About Our Clinic - Halewood Health Centre (Halewood, Liverpool)

    About Our Clinic – Halewood Health Centre (Halewood, Liverpool)

    The Halewood Health Centre is next to the Halewood Shopping Centre and you can get there via buses or train.

    60 Roseheath Drive, Halewood, Liverpool, L26 9UH

    Near the Building (free parking)
    Halewood Shopping Centre (free parking)

    Bus Stop:
    Halewood Shopping Centre
    Leathers Lane

    Bus Routes:
    3, 3A, 75, 76, 78, 79, 166, 188, 217/ 217A, 786
    (3-min walk to clinic)

    Halewood Station (12-min walk to clinic)

    Accessibility: Flat Entrance, Automatic Door, Lift, Disabled Toilets

    Have you attended your Diabetic Eye Screening appointment?
    The NHS provides FREE eye screening for people with diabetes aged over 12 years old.
    For appointment: 0151 495 5100

    About Our Clinic - Billinge Clinic (Billinge, Wigan)

    About Our Clinic – Billinge Clinic (Billinge, Wigan)
    Billinge Clinic is next to the bus stops on Beulah Avenue.

    Rainford Road, Billinge, Wigan, Lancashire, WN5 7PF

    Back of the Building (free parking)

    Bus Stop:
    Rainford Road, Opposite Beulah Avenue

    Bus Routes:
    137, 157, 352, 362, 781, 782
    (1-min walk to clinic)

    Accessibility: Front Door Via Ramp, Automatic Door, Disabled Toilets

    Have you attended your Diabetic Eye Screening appointment?
    The NHS provides FREE eye screening for people with diabetes aged over 12 years old.
    For appointment: 0151 495 5100

    Carmel College - Stoker Building

    About Our Clinic – Carmel College (Stoker Building)

    This pop-up clinic is located in a standalone building in the Carmel College. Free parking is available and a bus stop is close to the college entrance.

    Prescot Rd, Saint Helens, WA10 3AG

    Inside the College (Free)

    Bus Stops:
    Prescot Road – 10, 10A, 89 or 297 (5-min walk to clinic)

    Accessibility: Flat Entrance, Ground Floor, Disabled Toilet

    Have you attended your Diabetic Eye Screening appointment?
    The NHS provides FREE eye screening for people with diabetes aged over 12 years old.
    For appointment: 0151 495 5100


    ASDA St. Helens (Next to Pharmacy)


    About Our Clinic – ASDA St Helens (Next to Pharmacy)

    This clinic is located inside the ASDA Superstore in St. Helens. Free parking for 3 hours is available and a bus stop is on Kirkland Street.

    Kirkland Street, Saint Helens, WA10 2EF

    Near the supermarket (Free for 3 hours)

    Bus Stops:
    Kirkland Street – 12, 60 (3-min walk to clinic)

    Accessibility: Flat Entrance, Ground Floor, Disabled Toilet

    Have you attended your Diabetic Eye Screening appointment?
    The NHS provides FREE eye screening for people with diabetes aged over 12 years old.
    For appointment: 0151 495 5100

    Manor Farm Primary Care Resource Centre – Aston Healthcare

    About Our Clinic – Manor Farm Primary Care Resource Centre – Aston Healthcare (Huyton)

    Manor Farm Primary Care Resource Centre is on Manor Farm Road and can be accessible by public transport.

    Manor Farm Primary Care Resource Centre, Manor Farm Road, Huyton, Liverpool, L36 0UB

    Near the Building (Free)
    Near the shops (Free)

    Bus Stops:
    Manor Farm Road
    Bus routes
    6, 7, 61, 246, 247, 248, C42 and C50
    (5-min walk to clinic)

    Accessibility: Ramp Entrance, Automatic Door, Disabled Toilet, Ground Floor

    Have you attended your Diabetic Eye Screening appointment?
    The NHS provides FREE eye screening for people with diabetes aged over 12 years old.
    For appointment: 0151 495 5100

    NHS Screening locations

    Enter your postcode below to find your nearest NHS Screening location (Please note at this time not all screening locations may be available).


    Meet the Manager
    Programme Manager – Kimberly Gallienne


    (to be updated)

    Social Media

    We are on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. Please follow us to keep up to date with all our news